Home History

Our History

1922 – Engineer Rudolf Dinkelberg founds the Company in Tetschen-Bodenbach (former Bohemia)

1950 – Reestablishment of the Company in New-Ulm/Bavaria

1969: Dinkelberg auf der DLG-Fachausstellung für Molkereitechnik in Frankfurt
1970: Gebäudeerweiterung und Beginn der Fabrikation.

1972 – Foundadtion of the Dinkelberg Labortechnik GmbH. Production start of laboratory equipment such as water baths, incubator and small instruments.

1972: Konstruktion eines Kulturenzuchtgerätes mit einem Bassin aus Polypropylen.

1976 – Publishing of the first Dinkelberg laboratory catalog.

1982 – Establishment of a department for measurement and control technology.


1992 – Serial production of digitally controllable water baths with

1994 – Establishment of a department for Special Equipment and development

2000 – Acquisation of Dinkelberg analytics GmbH by F. B. Silbermann GmbH & Co. KG, Gablingen

2003 – Dinkelberg analytics GmbH moves from New-Ulm to Gablingen

2009 – Dinkelberg analytics GmbH and Silbermann analytics GmbH (sales of chemicals and Special chemical) become one and the same company named Dinkelberg analytics GmbH

2013 – Adoption of Dinkelberg analytics GmbH by Altmann Analytik GmbH, an internally active, specialized dealer of laboratory equipment from Munich.

Picture credits:
Dinkelberg, Peter (Hrgs.) 1989/90 (5). Dinkelberg Labortechnik GmbH. Die besten Wege führen zu Dinkelberg. Schröder Druck: Blaubeuren.